Mary, Matrix of Change: Personal and Global Transformation through the Rosary
New, 2017 Second Edition Now Available!
First published in 2009, the book Mary, Matrix of Change was written by Michele Maxwell, co-director of the Marian Center of San Antonio. In this book, Michele shares the story of her personal conversion experience during a pilgrimage to Medjugorje, Bosnia-Hercegovina in the summer of 1988. There, Mary, Queen of Peace turned her world upside down and led her on a path of radical change. Using the hallmark phenomenon of rosaries “changing” from silver-toned metal to “gold” in Medjugorje, Michele draws upon her knowledge of transpersonal psychology, quantum physics and integral philosophy to deliver an innovative and insightful treatment of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the twenty mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Meditating upon these mysteries can serve as a “remarkable tool for spiritual transformation and the evolution of consciousness so desperately needed on our planet today.” This engaging and stimulating book may be purchased in bookstores or online at Amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.