Rosary Intentions
The following Prayer Intentions for each decade of the Rosary are taken from the book, Mary, Matrix of Change: Personal and Global Transformation through the Rosary by Michele Maxwell, co-director of the Marian Center of San Antonio. Each Mystery of Our Lady’s Rosary moves us along the path of evolutionary consciousness–that is, the spiritual journey of transforming the ego’s personal “I” with its self-centered purposes into the Absolute “I” of God’s purposes and the divine will. This is a transformation from the dull gray of our own ego or False Self running the show, into the “gold” of the Divine-Human integration that is our True Self: “I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me.” (Gal 2:20) Each Mystery of the Rosary contains an evolutionary challenge as the events of our life and the lives of Jesus and Mary unfold through this spiritual practice. Naming the spiritual aim for each of the twenty decades will focus our conscious intention in a powerful way as we pray the Our Father, Hail Mary’s, and Glory Be of each Mystery. It is suggested that you print these Prayer Intentions and keep them with your rosary as a guide to use whenever you pray Our Lady’s Rosary. May God bless you.
Unconscious Divinity Awakening
2) The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth: Let me be, in my True Self, urgent and hasty to bring to others the Divine Presence within me which awakens the Divine Presence in them, magnifying the Absolute-Love-that-is-God in all that I think, say, and do.
3) The Birth of Jesus: Let me be, in my True Self, displaced from easeful wealth, bearing forth Divinity through its only possible channel: simple humility.
4) The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple: Let me be, in my True Self, immersed in the context of human and spiritual community so as to bear the contradictions of ego amid “the secret thoughts of many hearts”–not just my own.
5) Finding the Child Jesus in the Temple: Let me be, in my True Self, expansive beyond the boundaries of my comfort zone, stretching awareness of “me” into the loving commitment to “we” and pondering all things realistically, as a witnessing presence to my own life.

5) The Crucifixion: Let me be in my True Self abiding, though the price be steep for this transformation of consciousness, which demands that my False Self be crucified completely, even unto death.

5) The Last Supper/First Eucharist: Let me be, in my True Self, a walking tabernacle of the Eucharistic Presence of Christ, consuming the Body and Blood of unity with utmost consciousness of the Divine Indwelling, and sharing this Bread of Life with the world.

1) The Resurrection: Let me be, in my True Self, resurrected each morning from the tomb of the False Self with its death-dealing fears, needs and insecurities. May the Risen Christ, my Self Absolute, triumph now through the consciousness of infinite possibility.
2) The Ascension: Let me be, in my True Self, detached from all that holds me bound and tied to the bogus messianic programs of the False Self. Free me to ascend, to rise above my attachments and aversions, to live in the “heaven” of Christ-consciousness, from which I can return willingly, in freedom, to the heart of the suffering world.